Xavier Bichat
Physiological Researches on Life and Death.(Translated by F. Gold. Boston: Richardson and Lord, 1827, pp. 9-24.) Chapter 1.General Division of Life [1].The definition of life is usually sought for in abstract considerations; it will be found, if I mistake not, in the following general expression: Life consists in the sum of the functions, by which death is resisted. [2]In living bodies, such in fact is the mode of existence, that whatever surrounds them, tends to their destruction. They are influenced incessantly by inorganic bodies; they exercise themselves, the one upon the other, as constant an action; under such circumstances they could not long subsist, were they not possessed in themselves of a permanent principle of reaction. This principle is that of life; unknown in its nature, it can be only appreciated by its phenomena: an habitual alternation of action and reaction between exterior bodies, and the living body, an alternation, of which the proportions vary according to the age of the latter, is the most general of these phenomena.There is a superabundance of life in the child: In the child, the reaction of the system is superior to the action, which is made upon it from without. In the adult, action and reaction are on a balance; the turgescence of life is gone. In the old man, the reaction of the inward principle is lessened, the action from without remaining unaltered; it is then that life languishes, and insensibly advances towards its natural term, which ensues when all proportion ceases.The measure, then, of life in general, is the difference which exists between the effort of exterior power, and that of interior resistance. The excess of the former is an indication of its weakness; the predominance of the latter an index of its force.I. Division of Life into Animal and Organic Life. [3]Such is life considered in the aggregate; examined more in detail it offers us two remarkable modifications, the one common to the vegetable and the animal; the other belonging exclusively to the latter. In comparing two individuals from each of the living kingdoms, the one will be seen existing only within itself, having with what surrounds it the relations only of nutrition, attached to the soil, in which its seed has been implanted, born there, growing there, and perishing there. The other will be observed combining with this interior life, which in the highest degree it enjoys, an exterior life by which it acquires a very numerous series of relations with all surrounding bodies, a life, which couples it to the existence of every other being, by which it is approximated, or removed from the objects of its desires or its fears, and seems in appropriating every thing in nature to itself, to consider every thing with regard to its individual existence only. [4]Thus it might be said, that the vegetable is only the sketch, or rather the ground-work of the animal; that for the formation of the latter, it has only been requisite to clothe the former with an apparatus of external organs, by which it might be connected with external objects.From hence it follows, that the functions of the animal are of two very different classes. By the one (which is composed of an habitual succession of assimilation and excretion) it lives within itself, transforms into its proper substance the particles of other bodies, and afterwards rejects them when they are become heterogeneous to its nature. By the other, it lives externally, is the inhabitant of the world, and not as the vegetable of a spot only; it feels, it perceives, it reflects on its sensations, it moves according to their influence, and frequently is enabled to communicate by its voice its desires, and its fears, its pleasures, and its pains.The aggregate of the functions of the first order, I shall name the organic life, because all organized beings, whether animal or vegetable, enjoy it more or less, because organic texture is the sole condition necessary to its existence. The sum of the functions of the second class, because it is exclusively the property of the animal, I shall denominate the animal life.The series of the phenomena of these two lives, relate to the individual. Generation, as a function, regards the species, and thus has no place among them. Its connections with the greater number of the other functions are but very indirect; it commences a long time after them, it is extinct a long time before them. In the greater number of animals the periods of its activity are separated by long intervals of time, and during these, it is absolutely null. Even in man, with whom the remissions of its impulses, are much less durable, it has not a much more extensive connexion with the rest of the system. Castration is almost always marked by a general increase of the nutritive process; the eunuch, enjoying indeed a less degree of vital energy, but the phenomena of his life being displayed with a greater exuberance. We shall here, then, lay aside the consideration of the laws which give us existence, and occupy ourselves alone on those which maintain us in existence. Of the former we shall speak hereafter.II. Subdivision of each of the two lives into two orders of functions.The animal and the organic life, are each of them composed of two orders of functions, which succeed each other, and are concatenated in an inverse direction.In the animal life, the first order is established from the exterior of the body, towards the brain; the second from the brain towards the organs of locomotion and the voice. The impression of objects successively affects the senses, the nerves and the brain. The first receive, the second transmit, the third perceives the impression. The impression, in such way, received, transmitted, and perceived, constitutes sensation.The animal, in the first order of these functions, is almost passive; in the second, he becomes active.-This second order is the result of the successive actions of the brain (where volition has been produced in consequence of the previous sensation) of the nerves, which transmit such volition, and of the locomotive organs and voice, which are the agents of volition. External bodies act upon the animal by means of the first order of these functions, the animal reacts upon them by means of the second.In general there exists between the two orders a rigorous proportion; where the one is very marked, the other is put forth with energy. In the series of living beings, the animal, which feels the most, moves also the most. The age of lively perception, is that also of vivacity of motion; in sleep, where the first order is suspended, the second ceases, or is exercised only with irregularity. The blind man, who is but half alive to what surrounds him, moves also with a tardiness which would very soon be lost, were his exterior communications to be enlarged.A double movement is also exercised in the organic life; the one composes, the other decomposes the animal. Such is the mode of existence in the living body, that what it was at one time it ceases to be at another. Its organization remains unaltered, but its elements vary every moment. The molecules of its nutrition by turns absorbed and rejected, from the animal pass to the plant, from the plant to inorganic matter, return to the animal, and so proceed in an endless revolution.To such revolution the organic life is well adapted. One order of its functions assimilates to the animal the substances which are destined to nourish him; another order deprives him of these substances, when, after having for some time made a part of it, they are become heterogeneous to his organization.The first, which is that of assimilation, results from the functions of digestion, circulation, respiration, and nutrition. Every particle, which is foreign to the body before it becomes an element of it, is subject to the influence of these four functions.When it has afterwards concurred for some time to the formation of the organs, the absorbents seize on it, and throw it out into the circulatory torrent, where it is carried on anew, and from whence it issues by the pulmonary or cutaneous exhalations, or by the different secretions by which the fluids are ejected from the bodyThe second order, then, of the functions of the organic life, or that of decomposition, is formed of those of absorption, circulation, exhalation, and secretion.The sanguiferous system, in consequence, is a middle system, the center of the organic life, as the brain is the center of the animal life. In this system the particles, which are about to be assimilated, are circulated and intermixed with those, which having been already assimilated, are destined to be rejected; so that the blood itself is a fluid composed of two parts; the one, the pabulum of all the parts of the body, and derived from the aliment; the other, excrementitious, composed of the wrecks and residue of the organs, and the source of the exterior secretions and exhalations.-Nevertheless these latter functions serve also, at times, the purpose of transmitting without the body, the products of digestion, although such products may not have concurred to the nourishment of the parts. This circumstance may be observed when urine and sweat are secreted after copious drinking. The skin and the kidneys being at such times the excreting organs, not of the matter of the nutritive, but of that of the digestive process; the same also may be said of the milk of animals, for this is a fluid which certainly has never been assimilated. [5]There does not exist between the two orders of the functions of the organic life the same relation, which takes place between those of the animal life. The weakness of the first by no means renders absolutely necessary a decrease of action in the second. Hence proceed marasmus and leanness, states, in which the assimilating process ceases in part, the process of excretion remaining unaltered.Let us leave, then, to other sciences, all artificial method, but follow the concatenation of the phenomena of life, for connecting the ideas which we form of them, and we shall perceive, that the greater part of the present physiological divisions, afford us but uncertain bases for the support of any thing like a solid edifice of science.These divisions I shall not recapitulate; the best method of demonstrating their inutility will be, if I mistake not, to prove the solidity of the division, which I have adopted. We shall now examine the great differences, which separate the animal existing without, from the animal existing within, and wearing itself away in a continual vicissitude of assimilation and excretion.Notes by François Magendie[1] The form adopted by Bichat, in this work, has been much blamed by some, and extravagantly praised by others. The blame and the praise appear to me to be equally misplaced. His object was to exhibit the various phenomena of life; the order in which this was to be done was a matter of indifference. If Bichat gave a preference to this form it was because it was conformable to the nature of his mind; and he accomplished his task in a very happy manner. The division that he has adopted is not new, it may be found, with slight modifications in writers of different periods, and even in Aristotle. Besides, it is not necessary in the sciences to attach a very great importance to classification. All these contrivances have been invented only to aid the memory; and the functions of living bodies are not so numerous, as to render it necessary in studying them to lean upon systematic divisions.
[2] The word life has been employed by physiologists in two different senses. With some, it means an imaginary being, the sole principle of all the functions which living bodies exhibit; with others, it means only the assemblage of these functions. It is in this last sense that Bichat employs it. This is what he means to say in the following sentence. Life is the assemblage of the functions which resist death. He is wrong only in allowing the idea of death to enter into it; for this idea necessarily supposes that of life. There is then really a bad circle in this definition; but in putting aside what is defective in the expression, it may be seen that Bichat considers life as a result, not as a cause.
Before and since the time of Bichat, a great number of definitions of life has been given, which are either false or incomplete. It should not be required of a definition, that it should give all the properties of the thing which it is designed to make known, this would be a description; but we have a right to expect that it should assign to this thing certain characters which belong to it alone, and thus distinguish it from every thing else.Let us examine by this principle the definition adopted in a modern work. Life, it is said, is the assemblage of the phenomena which succeed each other, for a limited time, in an organized being. This is no doubt true of life; but, if it can also be applied to another state, it ceases to be a definition. An animal has just died; its organs from that moment are subject to the action of chemical affinities only; decomposition takes place, gases are disengaged, fluids flow out and new solid aggregates are formed. After a time every molecular motion ceases; there remains only a certain number of binary, ternary combinations, etc. Here then is an assemblage of phenomena taking place for a limited time in an organized body, and yet it is not life.
[3] This distinction of the two lives is bad, inasmuch as it tends to separate phenomena which have a very intimate connexion, which relate to a common object, and which are often produced by means in every respect similar. Why should I rank among the organs of animal life the muscular apparatus which carries the alimentary mass from the mouth into the oesophagus, and among those of the other life, that which takes it from the cardiac orifice to the anus? Is not the action of the first apparatus in relation with nutrition as well as the action of the last, and does not the muscular apparatus of the oesophagus act upon a body which is foreign to us, as well as that of the tongue and the pharynx? Do the motions of mastication differ in their object from those of which we have just spoken, and as to the means of execution, does not the muscular action still perform the principal part?
We might in the same way bring near each other the motions by means of which we seize our food. The action itself of the senses, which directs these motions, is, with nutrition, in a relation more remote, but not less necessary, and we see in the various classes of animals that their apparatus is modified according to the different kinds of nourishment. If the distinction of the two lives be wanting in justice, as to the object of the functions it separates, we shall soon see that the characters attached to the organs of one and the other do not establish this division in a more striking manner.
[4] This division between vegetables and animals is far from being so striking as is here supposed; these two classes of beings, so different when we examine them in the individuals endowed with a very complicated organization, approximate each other in a remarkable degree, when we descend to those species whose structure is most simple; it is even remarkable that the most constant character which distinguishes one from the other, is not found in the organs of animal life, but in those of vegetable or organic life. The senses are one after the other found wanting; for in an individual in whom we can discover no nervous system, there is no more reason to suppose the existence of the sense of touch as a sensation, than to suppose it in the sensitive plant, the dionaea muscipula, and other similar plants; we see only action and reaction. The motions of the arms of certain polypi no more suppose volition than the motion of the root which follows a wet sponge, or that of the branches which turn towards the light; the only very constant character is the absence or presence of a digestive cavity. To speak of an animal as a vegetable clothed with an external apparatus of organs of relation, is a more brilliant than profound view of the subject. Buisson, who, in his division of the physiological phenomena, avoids this inaccuracy, has himself fallen into error; he pretends that respiration belongs exclusively to animals; and that thus the division of Bichat was not only,unfounded but also incomplete, since this function, which is neither of vegetation nor of relation, could be ranked under neither life. Buisson was not well informed; no doubt the respiration of vegetables does not exhibit the most apparent phenomena of the respiration of the mammalia, but every thing, which essentially constitutes the function, is found in the one as well as in the other; absorption of the atmospheric air, and the formation and exhalation of a new gas; the rest is only accidental and is not an appendage but in certain classes of animals. In some reptiles, though we find a particular organ for respiration, this organ is not indispensable; it may be removed, and the skin becomes the only respiratory organ; and when finally we come to consider animals with tracheae, we see that the conformity becomes more and more evident.
[5] Bichat seems here to adopt the generally received opinion that it is the chyle which furnishes to the mammary gland the materials of which the milk is composed. We know not whence this opinion arises, if it be not from the gross resemblance which the chyle and milk often exhibit. This resemblance, if it were very great, would be a poor reason for admitting, without anatomical proof, so singular a fact; but it is very far from being perfect. The chyle in fact does not exhibit the milky appearance and the white opaque color, only when the animal from whom it is taken, has fed upon substances containing fat; in all other cases, it is almost transparent; its odor and taste, under all circumstances, differ entirely from those of milk; if these two fluids are left to themselves, the milk remains a long time without coagulating, but the chyle almost immediately coagulates, and then separates into three parts. The solid portion soon exhibits cells, and an appearance of organization; nothing similar is seen in the cogulum of milk; the serum of the milk remains colorless when exposed to the simple contact of the air, that of the chyle assumes a rosy tint, often very vivid. Finally, if we examine the chemical composition of these two fluids, we shall find in them differences still more striking. (See for further details, my Elements of Physiology Vol. 2.)